Monday, November 19, 2012

Inspirational Women With A Message for Other Women, in Their Music

Beyonce's Beauty is Inspirational to All Women

Beyonce's Beauty is Inspirational
Beyonce's Beauty is Inspirational

Beyonce's Messages

What Message is Beyonce Sending Women in the, "Let me UpGrade You Video?"
What this video says to women everywhere is represent your man, by upgrading his presence larger then life with you as the upgrading factor.
For many years women have been letting themselves go, by not styling their hair, or wearing makeup or dressing to impress to better enhance their looks, not saying that a women doesn't have a natural beauty, but men are naturally attracted to women who can light up a room with her presence. I haven't found a man yet, who wanted a woman that other men weren't attracted to or interested in.
A man's favorite words to another men is "She's a real looker" when he's speaking of a beautiful women, and we have all heard that one before. Beyonce is a lady with both beauty and brains and all women could stand to take a lesson from her on how to keep our mates focused with his attention solely on us.
Here are a few beauty tips, that can help every woman look beautiful in her own right:
The first tip is for your complexion: if you are a woman who suffers from an oily skin which causes acne, then there is a product just for you. It's a skin penetrating formula called Deep Clean by Neutrogena, it works great on drying out pimples and reducing acne from the inside out completely reducing blemishes overnight.
The next tip is on finding the perfect foundation and or powder for you. If you are a woman of color or not there is a great line of cosmetic products out there for you, one of which I use myself is Cover Girl foundation, as I have very sensitive skin. I have found that Cover Girl offers the perfect color which matches my own skin color.
With wisdom comes dark circles under our eyes, so every woman needs a concealer to erase those circles. Then there's the eye makeup, steer clear of very dark makeup for everyday use, as it makes you looks like you're headed to the club for a night out. I have noticed that in the winter time it's always better to use lighter colors as they make you look younger, and in the summer time darker colors work better for me.
One of the things that I have noticed about Beyonce's presence is, first her hair is always beautiful. Did you know that Beyonce has a line of Lacefront wigs available for women of all colors? What this means is every woman out their can have long beautiful hair just like Beyonce does, at a fraction of the price.
So here's a bit of advice for the woman who likes capturing everyone’s attention in a positive way, when she enters the room. Start at the top of your head and work your way all the way down to the bottom of your feet. Meaning start with your hair, then your face, then your wardrobe, and heels are always sexy, 4 inches is always kind of comfortable for me. I have found that when I look good I feel good, How do I know I look good? Because it brings out the perfect gentlemen in men "They open up doors for you". Surprise that special man in your life tonight with a completely new you when he comes home from work, and watch his eyes go from surprised to seductive in a matter of seconds. I hope that this article helps put the romance back in someone’s relationship tonight. (Enjoy ladies and gentlemen).

Teenagers on a Dangerous Path with Drugs

Children, Drugs and the Warning Signs

Source: Teenagers and Drugs

Drugs and the Warning Signs

We were all teenagers at one point in our lives, and most of us have experimented with some type of illegal drug, whether it was marijuana, or crack, or some other type controlled substance.
Different era's produced different types of behaviors, for instance in the 1940's and 1950's we didn't hear to much about drug use except maybe the occasional pill popping, back in those days. However in the 1970's it seems, that this was when the hippies and the flower children took off, smoking grass, or marijuana, and eating schrooms, taking acid, blotter, micro dots, and all types of other narcotics.
Then in the 1980's is when teenagers were drinking plenty of alcohol, beer, and wine they were smoking a great deal pot, or grass and taking acid of all kinds. It was nothing to see, in some areas of any town teenagers walking down the street with a 40 oz bottle of malt liquor beer in their hands.
In the 1990's and 2000's was the era when everyone smoked plenty of marijuana the thing was to get high and live the free life, and drinking alcohol and popping pills basically anything they could get their hands on to get them high, they dropped downers by the dozens like barbiturates, lortabs, and shot heroin and also cocaine into their veins.
They snorted large amounts of cocaine until the got nosebleeds, they huffed paint out of brown paper bags, and later in the 2000's we began to hear about embalming fluid, which also goes by the name if water or sherm, because of its clear color, some of its affect on the person consuming it, was that it made them feel as if they had missing limbs, legs, and arms, they become very violent and are capable of killing someone if they provoked.
The people who took and are taking embalming fluid usually smoke it, inside of a cigarette which has been dipped in the fluid. After smoking the cigarette, they become very violent, and aggressive, seriously dangerous to everyone that they come in contact with, and they have no problem trying to hurt someone for no apparent reason, a total disregard for another human beings life.
There is no upside to taking drugs, unless you call being busted for possession of a controlled substance, and doing time an upside, oh sure, you get to go away for what will probably be a long needed rest I wouldn't go as far as to say that the rest will be relaxing unless you call fighting for your life on a daily basis relaxing.
The down side to drug use is that some adults indulge in using them they say its just for entertainment reasons but as if that weren't bad enough, some of them choose to use drugs with their teenage children, creating a downward spiral for the child and the means to an end for the youngster. Young people have no idea what they are getting themselves into when they experiment with drugs, because simply put, they can't control the urge any better then an adult can.
Ultimately most of the time the teenager will end up out in onto the streets with no where to go, because they have burned every bridge that they have crossed, and by that I mean they have robbed and stole from every family member and friend until no one wants them in their homes, because they cannot trust them not to steel from them.
If you are a parent with a young teenager still living at home and you suspect that they may be using drugs but you really can't tell, here are some tell tell signs that will help you to find out whether or not your teen is using drugs. One of the first giveaways that your child might be smoking pot is that they are always hungry, there will be a foul smell coming from their living area, bedroom, out perhaps an outside area where they like to hide for privacy.
They tend to like being along and can become very easily agitated, if bothered by something that doesn't interest them. If your child is smoking something other then marijuana for instance crack cocaine they will always need money, because crack is a very expensive high, your teenager may be doing something else to support their habit.
Crack users tend to steal from their family members; they steal anything expensive gold and other jewelry, or televisions and stereos. Once your child is strung out ton crack cocaine they have no pity for whom they rob, they will rob their grandparents, their own mother, their father or sister or even their brothers to get what they need to get high.
Crack heads have even been known to become very violently abusive, for instance they will pull knives, or draw a gun on you if they know that you have money and are refusing to give it to them. They usually foam at the mouth, like rabid dogs if they have been up for several days without sleep, and are starting to come down and need more drugs to continue getting high.
They will rent out their cars in exchange for drugs, and then report the car stolen. I once knew a 16 year old girl who sold her 2 month old baby girl to a drug dealer, in exchange for $300.00 worth of cocaine. The state ended up recovering the baby and removing her from the unfit home and then they charged the mother with reckless endangerment and abandonment she was sentenced to 8 years in a state penitentiary. She had a total disregard for human life, when it came to crack.
I have seen youngsters on street corners pandering for change, and then later I see those same youngsters coming out of known crack houses, I have also seen young girls selling themselves for money for crack. My thoughts are where are their parents? I would assume that their parents feel as though they have done all that they could do, and gave up on them. Which is not the answer in my opinion, a swift intervention is the answer seek family counsiling and ask about drug rehab and then stop all support and enabling of their distructive behavior.
Insist that they seek treatment or else you will not provide money nor assistance of any kind until they seek treatment, often drug rehab may be an option. Inform the police that the child is underage and has run away from home and that they should be picked up on sight and placed into a juvenile facility until other arrangements can be made.
Parents are now being held accountable for their children’s truancies and for them not going to school, so my advice is to set a court date with the family courts and inform the judge of the situation which you're going through, and asked that the court assist you with the situation so that you won't be charged for the actions of your delinquent child.
Here are a few more tips that something may be going on with your child, if they develop a cigarette smoking habit it usually is a clear sign that they may be smoking something other than cigarettes, they normally use cigarettes and alcohol to balance their high. Heroin use is a little bit easier to detect, but it will depend on how they are using it for instance, if your child starts to wear long sleeves in the summertime and that is out of character for them, you might want to try and see what they are hiding underneath those sleeves and if there are needle marks on their arms.
Often teens will speedball which is a combination of cocaine and heroin intravenously, and 9 times out of 10 most of them will overdose at least once in their life time. Needle marks are a sign that they are shooting up drugs unless they are diabetics, and bloody noses are a sign that they may be snorting cocaine. in large quantities. Sudden weight loss is usually cased by not eating because cocaine is an appetite suppressant. Heroin will cause your child to throw up if it is almost pure, and then they will dose or nod off to sleep.
Methamphetamine is a form of speed and can cause the child to hallucinate looking on the ground to see if they dropped drugs, it will keep them awake for 3 to 4 days at a time, but by then they are at risk of a heart attack or stroke or even death. Never try and detain a teen that's under the influence of a controlled substance, of any kind it could get you hurt, simply call out the reinforcements like the police, or several relatives because there is safety in numbers.
I hope that this article is useful or informative to someone, and if you find that it is useful then please give it a vote up. Thank you for reading my story.
Stay Blessed,
Sincerely, Viv Darling

I have Heard About Dead Beat Dads, But What About the Dead Beat Moms?

Dead Beat Moms

Scary Picture of a Dead Beat Mom Isn't it?

Leaving home at a very early age has caused me to see many things some of which were quite frightening now that I look back on them. But none as frightening as my acquaintance with one dead beat mom in particular. She is 31 years old and has three kids who she never see's, nor visits, nor does she send gifts at Christmas time. She never sends birthday cards, she doesn't even call and wish her kids a happy birthday on their special day.
I have had the pleasure of talking to this young lady on many different occasions, I asked her why she never comes and visits her children? and she told me because they are not her children, but that she has given them up to her mother to raise, so that makes them her mothers kids and not hers.
Yet when she speaks to her friends and her lover she classifies the children as hers and that disturbs me, so I asked her why she only claims the children when it is convenient for her? and she told me because it makes me look good. So I also asked her why won't she support her children financially considering she has a job and gets almost 65 hours a week, and she told me because she has to support her boyfriend and his kids and she can't afford to support anyone else.
She also told me that she had to have new shoes and cloths so that she looks good when she goes to work, All I could say was wow, the nerve of her. she has no consideration for her mother who is struggling with her three kids, she has no intentions on helping her mother financially with shoes, or cloths for her kids and that the man she lives with is more important to her then her own kids are.
Now that is really sad considering one day these children will be all grown up and will surely need counseling, because of the damage that she is causing them by not participating in their lives while they are still young. You see this young lady has a very bad drug habit, she smokes crack cocaine and has smoked crack every since the children were born, in fact these children were all born crack babies, and they now are exhibiting the effects of crack being in their system from birth.
It took some time before the symptoms started to show themselves, but these children each have traces of the drugs in them, for instance the oldest one who is a boy of 12 years old has behavioral problems, he's started to lie and steal from his teachers and other children and even his grandmother who is raising him.
The other two children who are ages 6 and 9 are also exhibiting after effects of this powerful crack drug in their systems too, for instance the 9 year old has been acting out since he was three years old. He's tried to stab his grandmother several times, and since he has been of school age he has bitten his teachers, kicked them in their private areas and was suspended from school for an entire school year, because the teachers didn't know how to handle him.
The six year old child has ADD and can't sit still for one moment, she runs around like a cat who has a cloths pin on his tail, she talks a great deal and cries all the time, you can't say anything to her or else she will cry. If you ask her to please sit down she cry's. I mean she crys for every little thing. All three children are now on some type of mental drugs to keep them under control and stabilized, and to lower the amount of emotional outburst that they have.
The young mother evades paying child support by constantly moving and not staying in one place to long, by the time the child support division catches up to her, she will stop working and find employment getting paid under the table to avoid paying child support.
Her drug habit means more to her then her own children do, and she doesn't hesitate to tell you that. At one point she wished her 6 year old daughter dead, and I heard her say that with my own ears. It is really awe full of her to not care about their own children, which she give birth to. All of her children's fathers were drug dealers, this she told me herself, so in order for her to get drugs she slept with the drug dealer, and the children were the end results of the relationships for drugs.
Young people really should stop and think about the things that they do in the dark, because everything that is done in the dark will eventually come to light. They should never have children unless they are ready to except the responsibility for them, because it makes someone else have to put their lives on hold to raise someone else's children and that's not fair either.
To all the young people out their abstinence is the best policy, but if you should find yourself in a situation or if you are sexually active, then please use protection, and remember once you have conceived you have actually taken on the responsibility of being an adult and you must be responsible for your own actions.
Remember for every action, their is a reaction and you must live with the consequences.
Thank you so very much for reading my article, and if you should find it interesting then please vote on this hub.
Stay Blessed
Sincerely, Viv Darling